GST Certificate
1) Original Bank Statement with transactions less than 3 months, signed by the Bank. Bank Statement shall be in the “organization name”. As an alternate to bank statement, a signed letter from the bank confirming the account existence and organisation name can be provided.
2) Copy of Organization Business registration certificate including Shops & Establishments.
GST Certificate
1) Original Bank Statement with transactions less than 3 months, signed by the Bank. Bank Statement shall be in the “organization name”. As an alternate to bank statement, a signed letter from the bank confirming the account existence and organisation name can be provided.
2) Copy of Organization Business registration certificate including Shops & Establishments.
3) Copy of Organization PAN Card
GST Certificate
1) Original Bank Statement with transactions less than 3 months, signed by the Bank. Bank Statement shall be in the “organization name”. As an alternate to bank statement, a signed letter from the bank confirming the account existence and organisation name can be provided.
2) Copy of Organization Incorporation Certificate.
3) Copy of Organization PAN Card
GST Certificate
1) Original Bank Statement with transactions less than 3 months, signed by the Bank. Bank Statement shall be in the “organization name”. As an alternate to bank statement, a signed letter from the bank confirming the account existence and organisation name can be provided.
2) Copy of Organization Incorporation and Registration Certificate issued by authority such as Registrar.
3) Copy of Organization PAN Card
GST Certificate
1) Original Bank Statement with transactions less than 3 months, signed by the Bank. Bank Statement shall be in the “organization name”. As an alternate to bank statement, a signed letter from the bank confirming the account existence and organisation name can be provided.
2) Copy of Organization Incorporation certificate.
3) Copy of Organization PAN Card
1) Original Bank Statement with transactions less than 3 months, signed by the Bank. Bank Statement shall be in the “organization name”. As an alternate to bank statement, a signed letter from the bank confirming the account existence and organisation name can be provided.
2) Copy of Organization Incorporation certificate.
3) Copy of Organization PAN Card
GST Certificate
1) Copy of Bank PAN Card
2) Copy of Incorporation Certificate or Banking License Certificate
Business registration certificate containing name of the proprietor confirming the business ownership of Authorized signatory (Proprietor).
Copy of List of partners from Partnership Deed. (First page and page(s) containing Authorized Signatory/Partner Name)
An Authorization Letter signed by a partner to act as authorized signatory as per the Auth Letter format
Copy of List of Directors
Board Resolution OR Power of Attorney shall be enclosed- BR as per Format
Copy of Resolution from Association/ Society authorizing the Signatory
Copy of List of Directors
Board Resolution OR Power of Attorney shall be enclosed- BR as per Format
Copy of resolution from the NGO / Trust authorizing the signatory.
Bank ID card of Authorized Signatory / Bank Manager
Copy of organizational ID card of Authorized signatory /identity letter issued by the organization/ Proof of individuals association with organisation
Letter of Authorized signatory to CA for eSign/DSC as per Format
Authorized signatory shall meet the other requirements of Annexure V
Proof of applicant association with orgnaization/ Letter of Authorization from Auth Signatory
Proof of applicant association with orgnaization/ Letter of Authorization from Auth Signatory
Proof of applicant association with orgnaization/ Letter of Authorization from Auth Signatory
Proof of applicant association with orgnaization/ Letter of Authorization from Auth Signatory
Proof of applicant association with orgnaization/ Letter of Authorization from Auth Signatory
Bank ID Card/ Letter of Auth. From Auth Signatory
Proof of applicant association with orgnaization/ Letter of Authorization from Auth Signatory